Friday, September 19, 2008

A Moment to Brag

Several months ago, Jay took a couple of tests for some competition that I am not even going to pretend that I know anything about. All I know is that he took the tests. Apparently, all Airmen E-4 to E-6 in select career fields were supposed to be taking it. We thought that a handful would be chosen to go to San Antonio for the final test and didn't think much else about it.

Well, today, Jay was informed that he would be going to San Antonio for 4 days. He came in 2nd out of all E-4s through E-6s in his entire career field, so he will be receiving a silver medal. So, why does he need to be in San Antonio for four days? He talked to someone who had gone before and apparently it is a four day long award ceremony filled with wining and dining. It is quite the big deal. How awesome is he? I know, I know! He is the GREATEST!!!! Way to go, Jay!

I just wanted to take a moment to tell everyone how incredibly awesome my husband is. We haven't been to San Antonio since he graduated from basic. It is going to be so much fun! YEA!!!


Stephanie said...

Not that we don't need to feed Jay's already overinflated ego, but Way to go Jay!
But seriously, We already knew that you are awesome, this just solidifies it!
That's really cool that you get to go to San Antonio. Hope you have lots of fun!

Staci said...

I guess the big question is does Sherrie get to go too! What good is wining and dinning if you do it with a bunch of other guys? Congratulations Jay!

Jay and Sherrie said...

Sherrie is SOOOO going with him. Jay's mom is going to come stay with the kids, so overall, everyone will be pretty happy!

Jerry and Maaret said...

hooray for you :) Nothing like a little time away from the kiddos!

miriam.plass said...

That's awesome! See we knew Jay was a genius mastermind! San Antonio should be great fun!!

David said...

Jay IS the greatest! :)

But surely you've thought of something else you can brag about! :) It's almost been two months.

Have you been to San Antonio yet? If so, how was it?!? Hope you guys are doing splendid!

Johnson-n-Johnson said...

p.s. sherrie, i tagged you on my blog.! love you

Johnson-n-Johnson said...

Yes. but you have to update your blog...heehee, and P.S. We are so bummed that we are going to miss you guys over Christmas break. I can't beleive it. I still haven't gotten ahold of your dad. I'm pretty sure I wrote down his email though, so I'll have to try that!
love you guys!