Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Candy-Dispensing Toilet

We have been potty training Ethan for the past couple of weeks. By that, of course, we mean we tried a couple of weeks ago, he did pretty good for a couple of days, and then suddenly decided he wanted nothing to do with the potty. In fact, the mere mention of the "p" word would be answered with a resounding, "NO WAAAAAANT!!!!" (Picture a mouth opened very wide while screaming inches from your face.) So, we decided to not push the issue at all. One thing we've learned with potty training, you cannot force it. It's on their time or not at all.

So recently we decided to give it another go. We decided the time was right. Well, actually, we totally ran out of pull-ups. That realization was a horrifying moment; we pictured our house flooded in urine, because that was how it had been for a couple of days during the "NO WAAAAAANT!!!!" period. Lots of pee. Lots of cleaning. Lots of soaked Transformers and Superheros (not even cool underwear was free of his urinating wrath).

When we realized that we were without pull-ups, we had no choice but to clad his loins in Superheros (hoping they would intervene with their super powers, of course). Four soaked-Superheros later Sherrie had the stroke of genius--inspiration really--to offer him candy simply to sit on the potty (not much, but enough to peak his interest). We normally would not condone giving candy without first producing, well, pee, but we were desperate. And Ethan loved it! He caught on very quickly that sitting on the potty equals candy-dispenser (eww!!! our toilet is a candy-dispenser!), which he loved.

The second time we bribed him to the candy-dispensing toilet, a miracle happened: Ethan peed while on the candy-dispenser (er, toilet)! Of course, we made a big fuss and gave him a big piece of candy. He was so proud of himself! Since then he's had a couple of accidents (we're still working on the poop, which is so much grosser than cleaning pee, but doesn't leave his underwear and get all over the couch, floor, chairs, his bed, or everything else--thank goodness, by the way, for our Bissel Green Machine!), but he has been really good about using the candy-dispenser toilet to go pee.

Now, rather than us saying, "Ethan, do you want to go potty?" and being answered with the "NO WAAAAAANT!!!!" he tells us without any prompting, "Need potty!" Those might possibly be the two greatest words ever uttered! Of course, Jay was so happy to hear them approximately 312 times within 10 minutes, all for the sake of getting more candy from the candy-dispenser. But on the 313th time, GOLDEN (literally, you know, yellow pee and all).

So, we are very excited!


Nicole said...

Oh...I am SOOO jealous. Every time we put Branik on the toilet he just bounces up and down, and occasionally makes a hissing noise. I know I should probably try harder to get him to go since he will be 3 in April, but so far I don't care enough to deal with the inevitable mess.

Maybe our toilet needs to dispense cookies...

Correa Family said...

YEAH!!!! I'm so glad to hear that he is going potty! Little Mario is finally consistent during the day and it is AWESOME!!! Keep working on it. Your other kids are living proof that you can do it!!

Joel (Bob) and Dresden said...

Evelyn screams at the idea of sitting on the toilet--even with candy. Congrats on a sitting miracle, and some successes!

Becky Jo said...

You guys struck a cord with me tonight with this one. My frustrations with trying to potty train Maddy for the past 2 months is reaching critical mass and it is good to hear that someone else knows a bit about how I feel.

Jerry and Maaret said...

that's just funny- some kids will do ANYTHING for a little bit of candy!

Diva Ma @ Mommy Fabulous said...

I'm so sure that you guys can't be happier about getting your youngest to go potty. I'm over here doing flips for you because I know how expensive those darn pull ups are. Good luck on the poop part! That's a whole nother cleaning experience (gag!)

Stephanie said...

Hey guys! I found your family blog through the Hansons. So awesome that you got Ethan going in the right direction. There's nothing like the fun of being a urine cleanup crew. Fingers crossed on the pooping. ;)