Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Let the Guessing Begin!

We go in to have a baby tomorrow! Sherrie's c-section is scheduled for 11:30 am. Feel free to post a comment with your guess for time of birth, weight, and length. You can guess the gender, too, but we won't be too impressed if you get that right since we already know we are having a girl. Of course, my brother and his wife thought they were having a girl until a little boy came out, so ultrasounds can be wrong!

Oh, and whoever guesses the closest in all three categories will get a prize. Maybe. At the very least, you'll feel really cool. We might even acknowledge your coolness on our blog. If we ever update it again (which is very iffy if you look at how often we post!).

For reference, our heaviest baby so far was 9 lbs 9 oz. Our lightest baby was 8 lbs 4 oz. They've all been between 19-21 inches long. And they've all been born between 12:00am and 11:59pm (all on different days and different years, though).

Good luck, and happy guessing!

The guessing will be officially over after 11:46am (which is right when the baby will be born). Nevermind, Sherrie says it will be closer to noon. She's wrong, and I'm right, but we'll see tomorrow.

OK, guessing officially ends AFTER the baby is born and we let people know the information. Because after that, you're not guessing, you're simply repeating. Nice try, though.