Sunday, August 31, 2008

"The Wall"

For those of you who haven't noticed, we have a "wall" on our blog. This is the place where we put the quotes from our family that crack us up. It's a good read!

Some of you out there are probably wondering, "Why is it called 'the wall?'" Well, back when Jay's sister Becky was living with us in California, we put a piece of poster board on the wall to write down all of the funny things that people said. "That's going on the wall!" was an oft heard comment in our home.

Since we've had kids we've discovered that they are a treasure trove of hilarious comments. Rather than put their wit on a poster board in our home, we've gone digital with our "wall." So, enjoy the crazy awesome funniness of our wall!


Stephanie said...

LOL, Oh crack me up! Those are some cute quotes!

natalie said...

Hey, Jay! I was so exited to find your blog. You have a beautiful family. And I love your photography blog. You were always crazy awesome. I'm glad to see you still are.
Natalie "Cornum" Tenney