Friday, May 30, 2008

"Paper Bags Don't Have Tongues!"

That was a direct quote from Jay. So of course you're thinking, "Hmm...What on earth would cause Jay to make such an exclamation?" Well, it's really quite simple. We were practicing what to do in case of hyperventilation, you know, breathe into a paper bag. "Hold on," you say. "What on earth possessed you to practice that? That's not something that really needs practicing. You're either hyperventilating, so you breathe into a paper bag, or you're not and you don't." OK, so that's true, but it was late and it sounded like a really good idea. Well, no it didn't, but we did it anyway. So Jay says to Sherrie, "Hey, do you think if you were hyperventilating and you didn't have a paper bag handy that you could just get the same effect from breathing into my mouth?" You know, kind of like CPR, only really weird. Sherrie was of course intrigued by the idea. No, she wasn't at all, but remember, it was really late (you all know what happens when you get all slap-happy late at night and even the word "peanut butter" makes you bust up laughing). So anyway, we decided to give it a try. Jay sealed his lips against Sherrie's (don't worry, this is definitely "G" rated stuff), exhaled, and then inhaled. Did you ever hold the vacuum hose up to your mouth as a kid? Of course you did. Well, same thing. And thus the exclamation, "Paper bags don't have tongues!"

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Awesome Crazy Johnson Family Joins the Blog-osphere

Well, it's official. We've finally joined the blog-osphere. Actually, we've been around for a while via our photography blog (check it out, by the way, at, but we've gotten a lot of comments that go along the lines of "Hey, I love you're pictures...of other people; what's going on in your family, though?" So, we've decided to start this blog so people will realize that we actually still exist with our family, and that we are definitely still awesome and still crazy. In case any of you ever doubted. Which you shouldn't have. Because we are. And always will be. In the best sense of the words of course. Not that there's a bad sense to "awesome". Anyway...

So, in case those of you who have been dazzled over the last year by our awesome pictures have forgotten the makeup of our family, here's a little refresher. The Awesome Crazy Johnson family consists of 6 people and 1 bird. Actually, as our good friend Davey pointed out in his blog, our family only consists of 6 people. The bird is a pet which we own. Apparently in some circles that puts us right in the same class as ruthless barbarians to consider ourselves the owners of another form of life, but hey, our bird lives in a cage. I think that definitely qualifies as owning. Caging family members is pretty much illegal. We do let her out of her cage a whole lot and let her fly around. We don't let our kids fly, so maybe we're crueler to them. So, we own a bird and have 6 family members.

Anyway, TA-DA!!! We're here! Hopefully we'll update fairly often. Those of you familiar with our photography blog, though, will know that we're not the most diligent bloggers, so don't set your expectations too high. That way you won't be disappointed! If you're ever wondering, though, yes, we are still awesome and crazy, even if we haven't posted anything for a while to prove it.

Oh, and the bird who lives in captivity in a cage in our home is named Polly. She's a cockatiel.

(Polly rising up against Ethan, the smallest of her owners.)