Wednesday, December 16, 2009


This would be the Summer Wonderland that we enjoyed only a month ago in Orlando, FL. We love you Summer Wonderland.

And this would be the Winter Wonderland where we now reside. It is beautiful. The snow is great for this Christmas time. How wonderful that we can be here to enjoy it. The kids had three snow days last week. Even Jay had two and a half days off from work. FUN FUN FUN!!! These were their first Snow Days ever. (Maybe we can't technically say the first. There was that day in Georgia when they got out of school because it was supposed to snow, or be really cold, or something. It ended up being 60 degrees, but everyone had a great day out of school regardless. So, no school, but no snow, either.) Anyway, they had a blast. We all did.
We are really enjoying living so close to family. We can't say enough how wonderful it is. We absolutely love it. It isn't just a vacation where we feel like we need to cram a year's worth of fun into one short week (especially because we never would succeed.)
Many of you may be wondering how we are adapting with the weather here. Did you know that the Winter Wonderland, as beautiful as it is, is FREEZING!!! Like for real FREEZING! Just want to make sure that no one misunderstood. We thought it would take a lot longer to acclimate, though. When it is 22 degrees out and you hear yourself saying, "Wow, it's a nice day." It just makes you wonder how you got to that point in less than a month. Oh, that would be the sub-zero temperatures that we had yesterday. You know, where you get frost bite on your face because it was exposed for the 5 seconds that you are outside. Yep, it is amazing how quickly 22 degrees feels like a nice day.

How far away are our Spring and Summer Wonderlands?